Sunday, February 9, 2014


For though He was crucified in weakness, yet He lives by the power of God.  For we also are weak in Him, but we shall live with Him by the power of God toward you.  (2 Corinthians 13:4)

A few days ago on this blog, readers were challenged to choose among many "just do it" options in terms of something to focus on in exercising faith in Christ.  Here were the list of options:

Which option did you choose, or (if this is your first time seeing it), which appeals to you most?  Why?  How did, or might, you go about exercising that particular expression of faith in your daily life?

What's interesting about the above list is that they are all related (some are nearly identical), but they call upon our specific talents as individuals and as followers of Christ.  For example, we know some great preachers and teachers - perhaps you are one yourself - but preaching and teaching is definitely not my greatest talent.  Yet aren't there other methods of preaching than standing before a congregation on Sunday morining, and aren't there opportunities for teaching outside a formal educational setting?  Similarly, "telling," "proclaiming," and even "singing" suggest a need for gifted vocal chords, but aren't there other ways of proclaiming the Gospel?  Do not the great art forms of painting, photography, sculpting, and poetry (among many others) have the capacity to convey the love and truth of Christ?

Not only do the particular modes of expressing our faith differ based on our particular God-given talents, but so too do the methods of receiving what is shared.  A good sermon can reignite the Holy Spirit in one who readily absorbs the spoken word.  Another person can be moved to tears by an artist's rendering of Christ.  And still another person can be spurred to action by witnessing the actions of a believer.  Variety is not just the spice of life in general, but also the spice of life in Christ!

Every talent, every power we possess is so because of Christ alone.  In sharing Christ through our talents, and in experiencing Christ through the talents of others, we celebrate His power and His immense love for us.  So, whether it is from the list above, or something more specific or intimate, what superpower do you have in Christ?  What superpower in others impacts you the most?  Tell us about it!  Let's share our faith in the best way possible - as God intended for each of us to share it.  By sharing the love and power of Jesus through our own "just do it" talents, His love and power is spread ever-wider.

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