Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What God Makes New

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!  (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Recently at the grocery store, I ran into someone I had not seen in many years.  I almost missed her, as my distaste for both shopping and crowds often prompts me to zip through the aisles with tunnel vision.  Luckily, I glanced her way, we recognized each other instantly, and we struck up a conversation.  I found myself becoming one of those shoppers that I silently grumble about, taking up time and space in the aisle socializing.  Ah, irony!
The lady I met at the grocery was my boss from a drug-store job I held while in college, a job that provided me more of an education about people than my psychology courses ever could.  My boss and I got along wonderfully, which helped us to weather some of the most bizarre and memorable encounters of my life, among them a lonely weekend shift when I unwittingly thwarted an armed robbery.  My boss endured numerous struggles in her life, many of which she shared with me as we stocked shelves.  Unbeknownst to me at the time, she was stealing money from the store in order to address some of those struggles.  Meanwhile, I was a quiet young thing taking classes, saving a little money, and trying to figure out life.  What my boss and I had in common was that God was not a discernable part of our lives.
Standing in the cereal aisle at Kroger, I listened patiently as my former boss spoke of the recent death of her husband and other struggles she’d endured.  Through the recounting of the pain of her struggles, I noticed something I had not seen before: a penetrating peace in her eyes and the ease with which she smiled.  After her husband’s death, a young widow’s testimony in church had inspired her to accept Jesus into her life.  Praising God, serving others, and caring for the brokenhearted has become her life’s focus.  With a growing lump in my throat, I longed to tell her how my life had also steered toward God, how God had planted a small seed in me through her all those years earlier, but I didn’t.  The aisle was growing ever more crowded and time was running short.  We hugged and went our separate ways.
I have thought about her often since our chance encounter, and what I keep coming back to is this: God works miracles in the lives of those who turn themselves over to Jesus.  She and I both struggled in our own ways, we both fought to be independent, and we both ignored God knocking on our hearts.  How utterly amazing that God made a way for each of us, in our own time, to answer the door to faith in Christ.
No matter where we’ve been, what we’ve done, or what we’ve been through; no matter how long we have wallowed in sin and misery, the loving arms of Jesus are always ready to welcome us.  The risen Christ not only saves us from our sins, but He makes each of us a brand new creation.  Thank you, Lord, for loving us that much!

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